Some mixed feelings about the weekend. Didn't get much work done. Did get to see some pictures of steve asleep in screech's hallway. didn't sell ANYTHING at the swap. DID get to see Brian asleep on mikey's couch, obscured by another person of the female persuasion.
every once in a while i think about selling my big bike. then i see a video like Earthed 2 and i know it's worth it even though it breaks all the time and i only ride it three times a year. wicked awesome video that actually has some cuts longer than the 1/40 of a second retarded mtv edited shit that's in the jib movies, so you can actually tell what's going on.
almost bought a juan solo. good thing peterman saved me from that. almost bought a ti hardtail that was too small for me. good thing screech saved me from that.
off to ebay for me so i can unload everthing no one bought at the swap and fund my superbike
P.S. Get back to work
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