Hell Yes!
Hell yes I sold my Heliums for $200 on ebay. Made my weekend. I also just took a test that lasted a whopping 15 minutes.
Got a good 3 hours in on the Rollo on Saturday. And by good three hours I mean 1 hour on the bike and 2 hours drinking coffee. Those are some good hours.
In other news the neighbors or their landlord have decided to start live trapping squirrels, so they dont get into the house. What the fuck? Why don't you just fix the hole above your gutter, right below the live traps? You could catch a squirrel once an hour for a month and not even make a dent in the squirrel population. Idiots.
Been listening to a lot of AM radio lately. Dont know why. I guess I'm just getting old.
dude, dont go getting old, you already go to bed at 9:30
the idea of sideburnz in slippers, drinking coffee and peering out the window to watch a bloody, squirming squirrel through the window while the weather channel is on is causing some laughing at this end...
dude, yall need to update.
sideburnz, what the fuck?! you can't be doing anything more than watching the weather channel because of the snow. update already
You kidz is hell-larry-us. Screech, get back on the bike down there in AZ for all of us soft, pasty geezers who own coffee bars and don't have time to ride...Fuck.
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