Product Review: Paul Thumbies
Normally I'm a SRAM guy, but when I built my Pugsley I couldn't turn down a pair of swap meet priced Shimano XTR derailleurs. I also picked up a budget pair of 8speed bar end shifters. It seemed like a perfect excuse to try out Paul's Thumbie Barcon flat-bar adapters. The retro-grouch in me couldn't wait.
At first glance they don't seem all that impressive, especially considering what they cost. But after I got them set up I started to come around. They're easily the most positive shifting Shimano compatible shifter I've ever used. And the friction front shifting was an added bonus, allowing me to use the bottom pull derailleur I bought without thinking as an acceptable top pull.
I don't know if I'd buy the clamps and a new pair of barcons at retail: as Tim put it, that's an awfully expensive way to get technology from the '80s. But they do work well.
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