Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Turned the wrench at the chain for a few hours for the first time in 4 months. They got all the repair tickets on the computor now, call me nostalgic but I prefer a sutherlands ticket and a bic pen. Maybe I just fear change. First ticket was a 10 year old carbon supercal in for a drop bar and double conversion. WHAT!?!?! I soon found out that he had decided to go ahead anyways even though the SRM powercranks wouldnt fit. WHAT?

Southpark was dissapointing, after all I heard on the news I thought they were going to be telling tom cruise to get out of the closed again, gettin his panties all in a bunch. Disapointment.

What's up with Summit being so delicious on tap, and so mediocre in the bottle? You'd think they'd have figured that out by now. I found out how delicious Maibock is on the brewery tour, so I picked up a 12er tonight and it tastes skunkier than PBR. What's up with that?

Thursday coffee break tomorrow!! Best day of the week!''



At 9:37 AM, Blogger screechworld said...

Jesus, who would put srms on a fuckin old bike like that? Double conversion i approve of i guess. it is minnesota. was it the gold paola pezzo one?

At 10:35 AM, Blogger j said...

summit is nasty in the bottle. sometime, however, you should come to st. paul to my favorite local bar. every night after 10 pints of summit are $2 and pitchers are $8. and a pitcher of maibock is a whole lotta hammered.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Sideburnz said...

ya, it was the gold 1


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