Monday, July 24, 2006

so i get these new pair of shorts, and since i already have the same ones and i like the way they fit I get the same size. a 34. i take them home, and since they're the same size i immediatly rip all the tags off and put them on. they're not the same size.

they say 34, but they're hangin something like a 36, maybe even 38. they're huge. and now i'm wondering if lee dungarees fudged in order to to make fat people feel better about themselves.

that's the real problem with having a country where the majority is fat, they'll start skewing the numbers to make them feel better and now i can't go buy size 34 shorts anymore without trying them on because they're not really size 34. it's like a 2x4, its not really 2"x4" its something like 2"x3 1/2" and that's weak.

Here's something interesting you might find useful. I know i did, and i can't believe i didn't know about this sooner: FixMeUp!. Now I had to go and order a whole bunch of new stuff for the Marin. shucks.

Screech - dude, i bet milwaukee is weak. you can stay in steves halway with me. rent will only be like $150 a month and i promise i will put pants on when cara comes over. ok, maybe not pants, but i'll have something on.


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