Monday, March 27, 2006


Coming to you live from an 8 year old pc on Damn Small Linux 2.2. I've finally got my own computor since my laptop took a giant dump on my face. This sumbitch actually seems to run the internet faster anyways. Plus there's the cool factor for a wannabe nerd like myself.

Good ride on saturday, we havn't gotten out to do that for a while. big upps: the old lady who was all about steve as soon as she found out he had a pint of jack. I can just imagine what she would have thought when she woke up, found a blinky light and been like "where the fuck did this come from?" Talk about wasted. Interesting crowd at the coffeehouse party. Not really sure how come there were so many old people there. and young people. it was like we fit in a super awkward middle ground that wasn't accounted for.

Can I get a hell yes for $5 tips at the bike shop?



At 10:06 AM, Blogger Sideburnz said...

Ok, maybe not faster, but pretty damn good for being 8 years old and me not really knowing what i'm doing

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Michael Sobol said...


At 9:28 AM, Blogger screechworld said...

Hell yes to linux and $5 tips.


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