So my 4 year old ipod is not connecting to my computor. go figure. it was really starting to piss me off becaus since all my music is only on that ipod i've been having to listen to streaming radio on the internet. and if theres any reason at all to own an ipod its so you dont have to listen to the shitty radio we get in the twin cities. so i've been searching for a solution, or maybe waiting to stumble upon one by accident when i found out about these podcasts. so i'm like, as long as its music and its relatively new to me sign me up. then i found the podcast coverville. its hella rad. its a 2-3x per week 45min show thats all cover songs. if theres two things about music i love they're bob segar and cover songs.
i got to my 9:45 yesterday and the air conditioning was on in the classroom. it pissed me off something fierce. it's 65 degrees outside and you've got the air conditioning on? bitch, please. then i find out this newly rennovated, just opened this winter building DOESNT HAVE WINDOWS THAT OPEN. BITCH, PALEEEEEEZE! that's about the stupidest thing i have ever heard. (well, right behind discovering that 9 speed shimano chains have to be put on in a certain direction, the difference of which is nearly invisible to the naked eye.) maybe if the u stopped doing insane and wasteful shit like this i'd be a little more sympathetic to the stadium financing hissy fit they're throwing.
cover songs
drafting mopeds all the way down washington
MY AaaaaaaaaDIDAS.
getting up early
its not raining today
bitch, please:
people who design unopening windows
cars that dont give me 3 feet
air conditioning in april
Yea, that was hot, expecialy for the part when you said bitch please. that was my favorite. yea they are getting good.
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